Success Stories
Testimonials, case studies, and research supporting Legends of Learning’s efficacy.

Using GBL As A New & Creative Way To Engage Kids With Rigorous STEM Content: Dr. Sally Creel
Dr. Sally Creel, also known as Agent STEM, leads the highly innovative STEM team for Cobb County School District in Georgia. Sally is always looking for new and creative ways to engage kids with rigorous STEM...

Using Legends of Learning To Engage Students & Provide Support During Remote Learning: Pamela Quintern
Pamela Quintern, a teacher in Baltimore County, MD, flexed her teacher tool belt this year when integrating Legends of Learning. From early finisher activities, to building background knowledge before small group sessions, to emergency sub...

Using GBL To Keep Students Excited & Engaged While Learning From Home: Cori Perrella
Today’s extraordinary circumstances present new challenges for educators across the globe. How do we keep students excited and engaged about school while learning from home? At the onset of COVID-19 and school closures, Dr. Corrinne...

Using GBL As A Way To Engage Diverse, Urban Students: Amy Stafford & Christina Cruz
Amy Stafford and her students submitted 10 submissions for the Game-Based Learning Design Competition in June! The groups of students that participated in the competition varied widely, from “quieter, more reserved learners” to those who...

Using GBL As A Key To Keeping Students Engaged: Dr. Jennifer Berry
We went behind the screens with Metro Nashville Public School’s Dr. Jennifer Berry, also known as JenniFire Furystone. This Legendary Partner serves as the Director of STEAM and Science and made the decision to venture...

Using Legends of Learning As A Reinforcing Instructional Tool: Danielle Parsons & Kimberly Todd
Danielle Parsons has been an advocate for Legends of Learning since it’s initial release in 2017. Over the years, ATP Avenger has found multiple ways to implement Legends to meet the needs of her students:...

Using GBL As A New Engaging Resource For His Elementary Teachers: Eddie McGrath
Eddie McGrath, also known as The Mad Scientist, is an inspiring leader who is always looking for the best new resources for his students. When we met Eddie last year, he was immediately drawn to the...