Using GBL To Delve Deeper Into SOL Content In A Fun & Interactive Way: Cassandra Koch, Maddie Henson & Angela Porter

Cassandra Koch
AKA "Queen Sparkle Ninja"
Cassandra Koch really knows how to make the most of the distance learning experience for her and her students! Queen Sparkle Ninja explains, “I have been utilizing Legends of Learning to offer my students learning experiences in the midst of virtual learning. It offers my students a way to delve deeper into each SOL content strand in a fun, interactive way and increases engagement, motivation, and retention of the curriculum standards in science.”
Even better, Cassandra incorporates the data she receives from Legends of Learning during her virtual meetings with students! “I then analyze the data from the questions in each playlist to offer more personalized instruction or small-group Zoom sessions to address any misconceptions.”
Amazing work, Cassandra! You truly rise to Legendary Teacher status!

Maddie Henson
AKA "Mommy Shark"
Mattie Henson has become a pro at using Legends of Learning for distance learning the past few weeks. Mommy Shark explains, “I’ve been using Legends of Learning to at least give the students the chance to explore material that we won’t get to cover while we’re away. Giving them Instructional games has been very helpful with exposing them to the content, and then I can see how they did with the custom assessment afterwards.”
With this very intentional pairing of Legends of Learning Instructional games and custom assessments, Mattie knows that students aren’t missing a beat while they’re not in the classroom. “It’s been very useful for us!”
Thank you, Mommy Shark, for keeping your students engaged, even when learning from home!

Angela Porter
AKA "Mrs. Porter"
Angela Porter has been using Legends of Learning all school year. When her school closed, she immediately turned to Legends because “the first few weeks we were only able to give review work to our students, so I was assigning Legends of Learning to my kids on stuff we have already learned and covered.”
After the initial transition, Mrs. Porter still incorporates Legends on a regular basis. “Now we are able to start teaching new content, but we have to start where we should be at this time [of the school year]. So, I assign Legends of Learning to them [to cover] the stuff that we missed so [students aren’t behind when entering] their next grade. That way they will get a little bit of everything that they need.”
Thank you, Angela, for ensuring there are no gaps in student learning and that students have everything they need to succeed…you are a true superhero!