Heroic Teachers Utilize Game Instruction to Engage Students

Research supports a game-based learning approach for students as it engages students in a modality they feel comfortable and engaged in, while providing an opportunity for them to persevere through productive struggle

Upgrade your account today!

Learning Universe
+2k Game access Legends' core product: includes +2k games made by professional game studios.
# of AssignmentsLegends assignments can consist of games, videos and assessments.
GameplayDependent on size, student game play within a District is set to a certain limit.
Premium features
Math BasecampMath Basecamp is a research-based, five-step approach that builds students' fact mastery based on number sense and fact strategies. Students progress through a full fluency program with foundations, mastery, and applications that helps them recall facts efficiently from long term memory.
Fact mastery mini-lessons
Knowledge application games
Real-time reporting
Adaptive, individualized instruction
AwakeningStudents play standard-aligned games based on an assigned subject and topic.


Get full access for the best learning continuity across your district.

District pricing with volume-based discounts

District pricing with volume-based discounts

Learning Universe
+2k Game access Legends' core product: includes +2k games made by professional game studios.
# of Assignments
UnlimitedLegends assignments can consist of games, videos and assessments.
UnlimitedDependant on size, student game play within a District is set to a certain limit.
Premium features
Math Basecamp
All BuildingsMath Basecamp is a research-based, five-step approach that builds students' fact mastery based on number sense and fact strategies. Students progress through a full fluency program with foundations, mastery, and applications that helps them recall facts efficiently from long term memory.
Fact mastery mini-lessons
Knowledge application games
Real-time reporting
Adaptive, individualized instruction
AwakeningStudents play standard-aligned games based on an assigned subject and topic.


All premium features included, plus Math Basecamp, for every teacher in your building.


400-1000 students


Students in school:

Learning Universe
+2k Game access Legends' core product: includes +2k games made by professional game studios.
# of Assignments
UnlimitedLegends assignments can consist of games, videos and assessments.
UnlimitedDependant on size, student game play within a District is set to a certain limit.
Premium features
Math Basecamp
Single BuildingsMath Basecamp is a research-based, five-step approach that builds students' fact mastery based on number sense and fact strategies. Students progress through a full fluency program with foundations, mastery, and applications that helps them recall facts efficiently from long term memory.
Fact mastery mini-lessons
Knowledge application games
Real-time reporting
Adaptive, individualized instruction
AwakeningStudents play standard-aligned games based on an assigned subject and topic.

Premium Classroom

Start using 5E lesson plans and reporting with unlimited assignments.



per year
per teacher

Learning Universe
+2k Game access Legends' core product: includes +2k games made by professional game studios.
# of Assignments
UnlimitedLegends assignments can consist of games, videos and assessments.
UnlimitedDependant on size, student game play within a District is set to a certain limit.
Premium features
AwakeningStudents play standard-aligned games based on an assigned subject and topic.

Basic Teacher

Access standard-aligned games and launch up to 3 assignments.

Sign up without
a credit card

Sign up without
a credit card

Learning Universe
+2k Game access
LimitedLegends' core product: includes +2k games made by professional game studios.
# of Assignments
3 concurrent live
and queuedLegends assignments can consist of games, videos and assessments.
Limited: varies by
district sizeDependant on size, student game play within a District is set to a certain limit.
Premium features
AwakeningStudents play standard-aligned games based on an assigned subject and topic.

Request a Demo Today!

Schedule a private, 15-minute platform demo from one of the Legends!

Reach out to the team to hear about more premium features.

Trusted by 400+ districts and 20,000+ teachers

Why They Love Us

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When a student logs on for the first time and sees his/her teacher’s Legends avatar the reactions are priceless and the teachers are instantly elevated from Instructor to Science Super Hero.
Susan Moore Blended Learning Team Lead - Meriden Public Schools, CT
Last year I had a 90% pass rate and this year we improved to 92%. What makes this data even more amazing is we have a large population of special ed students on my team this year and last year we had none! The biggest jump was in my pass advanced rate - it increased from 38% to 41% and 12 students had perfect scores!
Heidi Rhodes Mountain View Elementary, VA
..honestly almost perfect. With the multi-platforms, battles, shopping, it ties in just the right amount of learning but still fun.
Middle School Student

Trusted by 400+ districts and 20,000+ teachers

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