The Water Cycle Science Games

4 games

In this series of water cycle games, your students will learn about the stages of the water cycle and the factors that drive its processes.

The Water Cycle learning objective is based on NGSS and state standards and was designed to deliver improved student engagement and academic performance in your classroom, as research demonstrates.

Scroll down for a preview of this learning objective’s games and the concepts they drive home.


Concepts Covered

1. The water cycle includes all the world’s water in all its forms, including liquid, solid (ice), and gas (water vapor). Driven by the sun’s energy and by gravity, water transforms between these states of matter and moves among the atmosphere, land, living things, oceans, and other bodies of water throughout the processes of the water cycle.

2. Water evaporates from the land and bodies of water and is then transported through the air as water vapor, which condenses to form ice crystals and droplets in clouds. When those particles grow too heavy to stay in the air, they fall as rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation.

3. Once on the ground, water flows downhill, some returning to rivers and oceans and some percolating into the ground to be transpired by plants and consumed by various forms of life, eventually released back into the stages of the water cycle.


A preview of each game in the learning objective is found below.

You can access all of the games on Legends of Learning for free, forever, with a teacher account. A free teacher account also allows you to create playlists of games and assignments for students and track class progress. Sign up for free today!

Image for Galaxy Escape
Galaxy Escape Estimated Duration: 20 minutes 10 Bright Monsters have been captured in space and they need your help to cross the galaxy jumping between platforms, finding them, and releasing them by correctly answering each question. Each monster that you release and unlock will be available to play with in the next level, in the search for the next monster. In your journey, you’ll be able to find power-ups, like ‘Double points’ and ‘Slow down’, which can be activated by finding gems, and their duration can be extended by correctly answering a question. Unlock and release the 10 different monsters and a spaceship along 10 different levels, while you make the most possible points.
Image for Robot Chef
Robot Chef Estimated Duration: 18 minutes Congratulations, you are creating the first all-robot restaurant in the city! As you serve more customers, you will be able to build more robots to assist in delivering tasty treats. Attend Night School and answer questions to earn advanced robot chefs!
Image for Adapt-O-Tron
Adapt-O-Tron Estimated Duration: 15 minutes A.L.O, a friendly robot from the future has come back in time in need of your help! The animals of the future are not adapting and becoming extinct! Can you use A.L.O's Adapt-O-Tron to adapt the animals correctly, making them perfectly suited to their environments? Or will you end up with a wolf with a beak or a mouse with hooves!
Image for Adapt
Adapt Estimated Duration: 16 minutes In this game you will help your population endure the changing environment. Collect points to buy different genes that will change the population as reproduction cycles occur. Be careful and keep track of changes in temperature, food supply, and predators that will affect your population! Watch the timeline on the top to be aware of upcoming events, and keep an eye on the meters on the left for the overall health of your population.
Image for Fling To Adapt
Fling To Adapt Estimated Duration: 18 minutes Flinging madness! Master environment specific adaptations in this slingshot-filled puzzle game. Traverse diverse biomes whilst experiencing natural selection first hand.
Image for Adaptation Odyssey: The Cell Trail
Adaptation Odyssey: The Cell Trail Estimated Duration: 15 minutes Help a group of cells find food and adapt to prevail in a hostile environment.
Image for Adaptation through Natural Selection
Adaptation through Natural Selection Estimated Duration: 3 minutes This video highlights adaptation through natural selection is the process by which species evolve to fit their environments. Traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more common over generations, while less advantageous traits diminish. Adaptations can be physical or physiological, and behavioral. This process, described by Charles Darwin, highlights the importance of genetic variation for species to thrive in diverse and changing environments.
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