Linear Geometry Math Games
3 gamesIn this series of games, your students will learn to draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. The Linear Geometry learning objective — based on CCSS and state standards — delivers improved student engagement and academic performance in your classroom, as demonstrated by research. This learning objective directly references 4.G.A.1 as written in the common core national math standards.
Scroll down for a preview of this learning objective’s games and the concepts.
Concepts Covered
A point is an exact position or location on a plane surface. It is important to understand that a point is not a thing, but a place. It is drawn with a dot and named with a letter. A ray starts at a given point and goes off in a certain direction forever, to infinity. The point where the ray starts is called the endpoint. It is drawn as a line with an arrowhead on one end and named using the letters of the endpoint and another letter on the ray. A line is a geometrical object that is straight, infinitely long, and infinitely thin. You can draw a line with an arrowhead on each end as shown below. The arrowheads mean that the line goes off to infinity in both directions. You can name a line by using any two points along the line.
A line segment is a part of a line defined by 2 endpoints. It is drawn using two exact points to define the length of the line segment and is named using the letters of the points defining the line segment. An angle is the union of two rays, a and b, with the same initial point P named the vertex. The rays can be made to coincide by rotating one to the other about P; this rotation determines the size of the angle between a and b. Angles are named using 3 points where the point in the middle is the vertex. Types of angles are right (exactly 90), acute = less than 90, and obtuse = greater than 90.
When sketching an angle, draw a ray, align the protractor with the endpoint of the ray, and make a mark at the desired angle length. Use the ruler side of the protractor to sketch a line connecting the endpoint of the first ray and the mark made for the desired angle measurement. Sketch the line to form a vertex. Construct shapes with acute, obtuse, and right angles. Lines are parallel if they lie in the same plane, and are the same distance apart over their entire length. Parallel lines never intersect. They are named using two points along each line with the parallel line notation. A line is perpendicular to another if it meets or crosses it at right angles (90°). They are named by using the names of the two lines with the perpendicular notation.
A preview of each game in the learning objective is found below.
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