Gravity and the Birth of our Solar System Science Games

5 games

In this series of games, your students will learn the story of our solar system — specifically the Nebular Theory — including the time frame of the birth of the solar system, how the sun and planets were each formed, and what will become of the solar system in the distant future. The Gravity and the Birth of our Solar System learning objective — based on NGSS and state standards — delivers improved student engagement and academic performance in your classroom, as demonstrated by research.

Scroll down for a preview of this learning objective’s games and the concepts they drive home.

Concepts Covered

Most of our solar system’s mass is in the sun, which sits at the center while the planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and other matter orbit it. The oldest rocks found in the solar system are about 4.5 billion years ago, which tells us that is when it was formed. How it was formed is explained by the Nebular Theory, which has four main steps.

First, about 4.6 billion years ago, a giant rotating cloud of dust and gas, called a solar nebula, started to collapse from some massive disturbance in space. Next, as the collapsing nebula spun faster and faster, gas particles started colliding, heating up the nebula at its core.

Then, when the core got hot enough, nuclear fusion started to occur, and the core collapsed, turning into the glowing ball we now call the Sun. Finally, attracted to each other by gravity, pieces of rock collided and stuck together, forming planetesimals, which in turn collided to form the inner planets in a process called accretion. Meanwhile, gas, ice, and dust particles also accreted in the farther, colder parts of the solar system, forming the outer planets.

One reason scientists agree on the Nebular Theory is because they’ve been able to watch other solar systems form the same way. They predict that, in about 5 billion years, our solar system will go through a fifth step: when the sun runs out of hydrogen to burn, it will die like other stars, growing into a massive red giant then collapsing to a white dwarf star.

The most important player in the story of our solar system is gravity. It caused the spinning collapse of the solar nebula and the accretion of the planets, and to this day it keeps everything in our solar system orbiting around the sun.

(Remember, the Nebular Theory is different from the Big Bang Theory — the Big Bang happened 9 billion years earlier!)

A preview of each game in the learning objective is found below.

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Image for Compare Two Numbers
Compare Two Numbers Estimated Duration: 4 minutes Compare Two Numbers
Image for Fishing Numbers
Fishing Numbers Estimated Duration: 9 minutes Travel to the Great Lake, filled with plenty of different sized fish, and work with the greatest fisher mathling to catch a good haul of fish! However, he wants the correct amount of fish that have the correct numbers on them, as they are precious for his business. Learn to identify which number is greater or smaller than the other.
Image for Number Compare - Compare
Number Compare - Compare Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Create meaning of greater than, less than, and equal to by moving objects into two independent play areas and watching the graph in the middle update in real time. Choose between a bar graph and a number line, and hear the comparison statement read out loud in English and another language of your choice.
Image for Number Compare - Lab
Number Compare - Lab Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Use this interactive whiteboard to create addition, subtraction, or comparison problems without feedback. Organize objects into ten-frames to visually compare which has more, or whether the number of objects are equal. Be creative in how subtraction is modeled.
Image for Magical Forest Deluxe
Magical Forest Deluxe Estimated Duration: 15 minutes Find yourself in a magical forest full of treasures and adventures. Collect coins and berries, answer questions, earn points! Good luck!
Image for Robot Chef
Robot Chef Estimated Duration: 18 minutes Congratulations, you are creating the first all-robot restaurant in the city! As you serve more customers, you will be able to build more robots to assist in delivering tasty treats. Attend Night School and answer questions to earn advanced robot chefs!
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