Base 10 Patterns Math Games
4 gamesIn this series of games, your students will learn to explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. The Base 10 Patterns learning objective — based on CCSS and state standards — delivers improved student engagement and academic performance in your classroom, as demonstrated by research. This learning objective directly references 5.NBT.A.2 as written in the common core national math standards.
Scroll down for a preview of this learning objective’s games and the concepts.
Concepts Covered
In the base 10 system, the value of each place is 10 times the value of the place to the immediate right. In the base 10 system, the value of each place is 1/10 the value of the place to the immediate left. Multiplying by 10 moves the multiplicand one place to the left. If it is a single-digit number, then the imagined 0’s are placed in the one’s place. Dividing by 10 moves the multiplicand one place to the right. Understand why multiplying by a power of 10 shifts the digits of a whole number or decimal that many places to the left. Patterns of 0’s being added when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10 can be explained using knowledge of place value.
A preview of each game in the learning objective is found below.
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