The Ultimate List of Learning Games for Every Classroom

Estimated reading time: 19 minutes

Ready to transform standards and learning objectives into something your students actually look forward to? Welcome to the world of educational games that fuse curriculum essentials with engaging, story-driven adventures!

Whether you’re an elementary science teacher trying to illuminate the wonders of plant life or a middle school math instructor determined to demystify fractions, these games have you covered. By blending core concepts with interactive gameplay, each title provides an opportunity for students to practice skills and deepen understanding—no more blank stares, just bright eyes and raised hands.

This blog post brings you a full collection of games that align tightly with standards, from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

They’re organized by subject and level, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your lesson plans.

Each game’s description includes the key concepts addressed, the standard it supports, and ways that educators can leverage its features. Prepare to turn your classroom into a playful proving ground, where learning objectives transform into stepping stones, and academic standards, become the backdrop for unforgettable fun.

Angry Birds: Coordinate Plane

Learning Games on Science for Elementary School

Science is a world of wonder waiting to be explored, and what better way to spark curiosity in young minds than through exciting, interactive games?

Dive into our collection of science games and watch students’ scientific curiosity come to life.

Furball Adventure

Structure of Matter | ES-PS1.A-1

Furball Adventure turns the concept of matter states into a cozy, creative challenge. Students help Little Furball decorate his new home in a world where success comes from understanding solids, liquids, and gases.

By choosing the right materials and applying knowledge of measurement conversions, players earn tickets for the Space Fair mini-games, securing prizes and unlocking new décor. As they progress, they’re not just passing levels—they’re grappling with real-world problem-solving that will reinforce your science lessons.

For educators, Furball Adventure provides a narrative-driven context to teach the Structure of Matter standard. Instead of lecturing about molecules and measuring units, you can let students experience these concepts hands-on.

After playing, you can debrief by having your class relate in-game decisions to actual scientific principles—like how changing matter states can help solve everyday problems. It’s a sneaky way to slip in content knowledge: they think they’re decorating a home, but they’re also mastering fundamental science concepts.

Candy Rush

Scientific Method | ES-SM

Candy Rush turns the classic steps of the scientific method into a rollicking quest, where students apply observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, data analysis, and conclusions to save islands from candy-hungry monsters.

Players advance by making informed guesses, testing them in real time, and adjusting their strategies accordingly. As they learn to differentiate between variables and analyze results, they’ll gain a hands-on understanding of the process that drives all scientific inquiry.

For teachers, Candy Rush is a fantastic way to introduce the scientific method without endless worksheets. Your players will see firsthand how forming a hypothesis isn’t just a guess; it’s a strategic tool to solve tangible problems.

After the game, consider having your class share their in-game experiments and results. Did their data analysis lead them astray at any point? How did they improve? By comparing their experiences in Candy Rush to lab work or class projects, you help them internalize the essential skills of good science.


NGSS Standard: Plant Growth and Functions | 4-LS1-1

Masterplant brings plant biology to life by having students nurture their very own virtual rose. As players feed, protect, and accessorize their plant, they’re simultaneously uncovering the secrets of photosynthesis, plant structures, and reproduction.

By linking survival tasks to core botanical concepts, Masterplant simplifies what could be abstract content, making it relatable and tangible. They’re not just reading about stems and leaves—they’re helping their digital rose thrive.

For educators, this game offers a perfect segue from theory to practice. You can have students draw parallels between their digital garden and the plants outside the classroom window. Discuss how plant structures serve distinct functions—like roots anchoring plants and leaves capturing sunlight.

By reflecting on what they did in the game, they’ll gain a solid grounding in plant biology and ecological balance. Plus, it’s a no-mess way to encourage “green thumbs” right in your classroom.

Check out the assignment Plant Structure and Function in Legends of Learning 

The Space Domes Resort

NGSS Standard: Earth and the Solar System | ES-ESS1.B-1

The Space Domes Resort game catapults students into a luxurious interstellar getaway, hosted by an advanced A.I. named Eris. While enjoying their cosmic vacation, players immerse themselves in astronomy concepts: constellations, planetary motion, lunar phases, and Earth’s rotation and revolution.

This narrative-driven adventure transforms celestial phenomena into hands-on learning, where every solved puzzle and mystery deepens their understanding of the universe.

Educators can use The Space Domes Resort as a launchpad for deeper astronomy lessons. After playing, have your students explain how Earth’s rotation affects day and night, or why certain constellations are visible only in specific seasons.

Let them share their favorite in-game discoveries and link them to real-world observations. With this approach, memorizing facts about Earth’s place in space evolves into storytelling and applied understanding, lighting a spark of curiosity about the cosmos.

Check out this assignment with Space Domes in Legends of Learning

Food Webs

NGSS Standard: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer | ES-LS2.B-1

Food Webs: Adventure of Energy invites players into an enchanted ecosystem guided by Elva, a magical fairy. Students trace the path of energy from the sun through producers, consumers, and decomposers, seeing firsthand the interconnectedness of life.

By actively participating in these food chains and webs, they gain insights into how energy moves and how each organism plays a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. Teachers can also use this game to illustrate complex ecological relationships without resorting to static diagrams.

After gameplay, students can construct their own food webs on paper, labeling each organism’s role. They’ll recall Elva’s lessons and the game scenarios to explain why removing one species might destabilize the entire system. This reflection cements their understanding of energy flow and ecological dynamics, making your life science lessons more meaningful and memorable.

Food Webs: Get all the content available on Legends of Learning

Little Chemist Amelia

NGSS Standard: Chemical Reactions | ES-PS1.B-1

Little Chemist Amelia places students in a safe, virtual lab where they conduct experiments to learn about mixtures, physical changes, and chemical reactions. They learn the difference between physical blending and chemical transformations by mixing ingredients to create fertilizers or bake cakes. Instead of dry definitions, the game offers a sensory experience—well, at least a digital one—where students see the effects of their actions unfold immediately.

In the classroom, you can use the game’s scenarios as a springboard for hands-on demos (in a real lab, of course). Ask students to compare what they did in-game—like separating mixtures—with a real-life classroom experiment. Students develop a holistic understanding of chemical reactions by connecting virtual outcomes with tangible ones. They won’t just memorize definitions; they’ll understand the underlying principles and be better prepared to tackle more complex chemistry concepts down the line.

See the public assignment for Mixtures and Solutions available on Legends of Learning 

Discover all the extra content available about Chemical Reactions on Legends of Learning

Crumbling Structure

NGSS Standard: Weathering and Erosion | ES-ESS2.A-1

Crumbling Structure sends players on a geologic adventure, introducing them to the natural forces that carve Earth’s landscapes. From discovering how wind and water shape cliffs to understanding how ice and gravity alter terrains, players learn that weathering and erosion are ongoing, dynamic processes. They’ll see how different landforms—from sandy dunes to carved valleys—evolve over time, making Earth’s surface a constantly changing canvas.

Teachers can build on this gameplay experience by having students analyze local or global examples of weathering and erosion. Maybe they can bring in photos of the Grand Canyon or their own backyard creek to discuss similar processes. Leverage Crumbling Structure’s interactive lessons about real-world environments to empower students to see Earth science as a living story rather than distant trivia. The result is a deeper, more lasting understanding of geology.

Learning Games about Science for Middle School

DocDuck: Cells and Life

NGSS Standard: Cells and Life | MS-LS1.A-1

DocDuck: Cells and Life invites students into a virtual lab where they compare living and nonliving things with a digital microscope. They’ll examine the structures of unicellular and multicellular organisms, learn about tissues and organs, and explore the factors that allow life to flourish on a planet. By the end, they don’t just know these concepts; they’ve interacted with them in a hands-on simulation that feels like genuine discovery.

As an educator, you can use DocDuck’s world to enhance your life science unit. Before a lab activity on cells, let your students explore the game. Afterward, prompt them to identify what makes a cell “alive” and how different cell types serve different functions. This helps them form concrete mental models. Instead of thinking of cells as tiny mysteries, they’ll approach them with familiarity and confidence—ready to connect the digital experiments to the microscopic wonders seen under the real classroom microscope.

Check out all the Cells and Life Science games and video lessons available on Legends of Learning

Save the Fish

NGSS Standard: States of Matter | MS-PS1.A-4

Save the Fish is a puzzle-based adventure where students must manipulate solids, liquids, gases, and even plasma to solve physics challenges. They’ll freeze water to form bridges, condense vapor to slip through barriers, and learn that changes in states of matter aren’t just vocabulary terms—they’re tools to navigate and overcome obstacles in a fun, dynamic environment.

For teachers focusing on matter’s states and particle behavior, this game serves as a perfect hook. After playing, ask students how they decided when to heat or cool a substance. Relate their strategic decisions to the real-life processes of melting ice or evaporating water. You help them internalize concepts like particle spacing and density by framing states of matter as puzzles rather than static facts. Thus building knowledge both playful and practical.

Get a free assignment to teach States of Matter and their Structure on Legends of Learning 

Plants Vs. CO2

NGSS Standard: Photosynthesis | MS-LS1.C-1

Plants Vs. CO2 challenges players to restore a polluted planet by harnessing the power of photosynthesis. As they plant greenery and watch carbon dioxide levels drop, students see photosynthesis as a life-sustaining reaction that transforms radiant energy into the chemical energy vital for ecosystems. Each level completed is a step towards understanding plants’ critical role in maintaining atmospheric balance and supporting life.

In class, you can pair this game with a lab where students measure the growth of real seedlings under different light conditions. After playing, they’ll grasp why plants are essential for purifying air and producing oxygen. Have them discuss the parallels: How did their in-game actions mirror the real-world importance of plants? Link the game’s storyline to actual environmental conservation efforts, thus encouraging ecological awareness and an appreciation for green living.

Want to get more content about this standard? Check out Photosynthesis Science Games on Legends of Learning

Genetic Zoo

NGSS Standard: Genes and Traits | MS-LS3.A-1

Genetic Zoo turns DNA and heredity into a hands-on exploration of a virtual park. Students observe traits in animals, delve into genes and chromosomes, and see how mutations can alter characteristics. Instead of memorizing genetic terms, players experience them, deciding which traits matter in different environments and discovering how heredity shapes the next generation of their virtual zoo inhabitants.

After the game, teachers can lead discussions on the nature of inherited vs. acquired traits. Students can examine how environmental factors might affect trait expression, connecting in-game examples—like different coat patterns in animals—to scientific principles. This approach helps them understand genetics beyond simple Punnett squares, recognizing that heredity is dynamic, interactive, and fascinating rather than just another topic in the textbook.

Want to get more content about this standard? Check out Genes and Traits Science Games | Legends of Learning

Agent Barkley and the Tectonic Temple

NGSS Standard: Plate Tectonics | MS-ESS2.B-1

In Tectonic Temple, players join Agent Barkley on a quest that reveals Earth’s geologic history. They’ll see how tectonic plates diverge, converge, and transform, resulting in volcanoes, mountain ranges, and earthquakes. The storyline cleverly integrates scientific evidence—fossils, rock formations, and seafloor spreading—so that theory and application blend seamlessly.

Teachers can use this gameplay to energize a unit on geology. After students complete levels, ask them to identify what type of boundary caused certain landforms. Encourage them to connect their in-game findings to real-world tectonic events, such as the formation of the Himalayas or the occurrence of seismic activity near the San Andreas Fault. This makes the theory of plate tectonics feel like a series of exciting revelations rather than a static list of definitions.

Get a Free Assignment about Tectonic Plates Here!

Check out all the content available for Plate Tectonics on Legends of Learning

Weather Changers

NGSS Standard: The Water Cycle and Weather Patterns | MS-ESS2.C-2

Weather Changers places students in a global playground of climates, humidity, and temperature fluctuations. They’ll experiment with conditions that create rain, snow, or drought, and investigate how air masses interact. By manipulating variables and observing the results, they gain a concrete understanding of the water cycle’s role in shaping local and global weather.

After playing, teachers can have students chart out the water cycle they observed in-game. Encourage them to draw parallels with real-world patterns, like explaining why desert areas receive less precipitation or why coastal regions often have milder weather. They’ll understand that weather isn’t random when connecting game events to classroom lessons — it’s the product of intricate interactions they’ve already manipulated and understood firsthand.

Check out the free assignment in Legends of Learning!

Check out all the content available for this standard on Legends of Learning

Learning Games about Math for Elementary School

Boost your students’ math skills and excitement with short, story-driven games that transform key concepts into playful adventures. It’s practice made fun, a perfect tool for building confidence and enthusiasm!

The Hack: Place Values

CCSS Standard: Understanding Place Value | 5.NBT.A.1

In The Hack: Place Values, students become code-cracking heroes who use their knowledge of the base-10 system to outsmart a rampant computer virus. Every correct answer chips away at the virus’s control, showing learners that place value isn’t just about lining up numbers—it’s about understanding the value each digit holds, even in complex, multi-digit settings.

Teachers can highlight how mastering place value sets the stage for success in addition, subtraction, and beyond. After playing, have students rewrite numbers in expanded form, or ask them to explain how the same digit represents different amounts depending on its position.

This game turns a foundational math concept into an action-packed mission, making sure students not only understand place values but also appreciate their power.

Get a free ‘Understand Place Value’ assignment on Legends of Learning 

Pigglesney Dash: The Prime Piggy Factor

CCSS Standard: Prime, Composite, and Factor Pairs | 4.OA.B.4

Pigglesney Dash transforms the hunt for prime and composite numbers into a playful adventure. Students help a courageous pig navigate forests and unlock doors by breaking numbers into factor pairs. Along the way, they distinguish prime numbers from composites, all within a storyline that feels more like a quest and less like a rote math drill.

After the game, teachers can have students list the prime numbers they encountered and explain what made them prime. They can also use factor trees or arrays to visualize the factorization process.

This combination of digital exploration and traditional follow-up helps cement number theory concepts, allowing learners to recognize patterns and relationships within the number system.

Get a free assignment about Prime, Composite, and Factor Pairs on Legends of Learning 

Attack on Blob: Mega Multiply

CCSS Standard: Multiplying Multi-Digit Numbers | 4.NBT.B.5

Attack on Blob throws students into an intergalactic battle where math is their weapon. To fend off blob invaders, players must multiply multi-digit numbers accurately and efficiently. Whether using area models or standard algorithms, students practice and refine their skills in an environment where getting it right means saving the day.

Teachers can ask learners how they solved challenging multiplication problems in-game and have them demonstrate those strategies on the board. By examining which approaches felt most intuitive, students gain confidence in their chosen methods. The game’s lively narrative ensures multiplication stops feeling like grunt work, evolving instead into a series of problem-solving triumphs.

Get a sample free assignment about Multiply Multi-digit Numbers on Legends of Learning 

Escape the Factory

CCSS Standard: Grouping Symbols and Order of Operations | 5.OA.A.1

In Escape the Factory, students navigate a malfunctioning industrial maze by using parentheses and other grouping symbols to clarify the order in which operations should be performed. This puzzle-like setup reveals why these mathematical “clues” are critical for arriving at the correct solution. They’ll realize that a misplaced parenthesis can mean the difference between unlocking a door or getting stuck.

Following the game, teachers can present similar math problems on the whiteboard. Have students add or remove parentheses and predict how it changes the outcome. Connect the game’s scenario to textbook exercises, to ensure that the concept of order of operations has context.

Students won’t just remember PEMDAS; they’ll understand it’s the key to solving complex challenges, both in-game and in math class.

Click here to get a sample assignment about Grouping Symbols and Order of Operations

The Fractions Space Tournament

CCSS Standard: Understanding Fractions as Parts of a Whole | 3.NF.A.1

Fractions Space Tournament blasts learners into orbit where they pilot ships through fraction-based challenges. Seeing fractions visually represented as parts of a whole helps students grasp what a fraction truly is, rather than just memorizing numerators and denominators. The interstellar setting makes fractions feel more like a cosmic puzzle than a math chore.

After the game, teachers can have students draw pizza slices or use fraction strips to represent what they encountered in space. You can bridge the gap between the abstract and the concrete by relating these digital voyages to tangible objects in the classroom. This approach encourages a conceptual understanding that sticks long after the final rocket boosters fire.

Get a free assignment about Understand Fractions As Part Of A Whole

Scrolls of Power

CCSS Standard: Parentheses, Brackets, and Braces in Expressions | 5.OA.A.1

Scrolls of Power whisks students away to the mystical land of Numeria, where grouping symbols are magic spells. Learners see how parentheses, brackets, and braces change the order of operations and, consequently, the numerical outcomes of their spells. This narrative underscores the importance of understanding mathematical conventions to achieve desired results.

Back in the classroom, teachers can draw parallels between magical spells and well-structured math problems. Encourage students to rewrite numeric expressions with different grouping symbols and challenge them to predict the new results. You ensure learners find parentheses less intimidating and more empowering in guiding problem-solving by weaving a story into the lesson,.

Get a sample assignment about this standard here!

Math Games for Middle School

DeciMagic Hero

CCSS Standard: Arithmetic with Decimals | 6.NS.B.3

DeciMagic Hero puts decimal arithmetic front and center, turning complex calculations into spell-casting sequences. Players learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to defeat enemies and advance their hero’s journey.

Through trial and error in a fantastical setting, they become more comfortable and accurate with decimal operations—a skill they’ll carry into advanced math.

Teachers can reinforce these skills after the game by presenting word problems involving money, measurements, or scientific data. Students who’ve cast spells with decimals in a game will likely approach these tasks with greater confidence. By connecting classroom exercises to their in-game experiences, you show them that decimals aren’t just abstract figures; they’re tools they’ve already wielded successfully.

Get free content about Arithmetic with Decimals Fluency on Legends of Learning

Sign up for free and get a sample assignment for Arithmetic with Decimals

Mr. Fancy Pigeon

CCSS Standard: Plotting Integers on Number Lines | 6.NS.C.6.c

Mr. Fancy Pigeon turns coordinate grids and number lines into an adventurous treasure map. Students plot points, navigate inequalities, and position integers correctly to help the dapper pigeon reach its golden nest. This approach takes something often seen as dry—graphing—and dresses it up in feathers and fun.

As an educator, you can follow up by asking students to explain the significance of each quadrant on a coordinate plane or how they determined which direction to move on the number line. They’ll recall the game’s scenarios to justify their reasoning.

Over time, graphing transforms from rote instruction to an enjoyable skill, and number lines evolve into friendly guides rather than intimidating timelines.

Get a sample assignment with Mr. Fancy Pigeon on Legends of Learning

Alice in Arealand

CCSS Standard: Polygon Areas | 6.G.A.1

Alice in Arealand leads students through whimsical worlds where calculating polygon areas is the key to progress. Guided by Koshi the talking cat, learners apply geometric formulas in a storybook-like environment.

They’ll see that area calculation is not just a formula to memorize; it’s a tool for navigating new places and overcoming challenges.

Back in class, have students compare what they did in-game with how they’d measure real-world surfaces. Whether determining the area of a classroom rug or designing a garden layout, they can apply these geometric principles confidently.

Alice in Arealand ensures that when it comes time for traditional geometry lessons, students feel more at home in the world of shapes and measurements.

Get a free assignment about Measure Volume By Counting Unit Cubes on Legends of Learning

100 Bites – Cheesy Percent Conversion

CCSS Standard: Use Rate of 100 to Find Percent | 6.RP.A.3.c

100 Bites – Cheesy Percent Conversion tasks students with feeding mice the right amount of cheese by converting between fractions, decimals, and percents. They’ll quickly see that these forms are just different representations of the same concept. Mastering these conversions becomes a game of agility and speed rather than rote memorization.

After playing, you can present real-world scenarios: What percentage of the class prefers one snack over another? How do sale prices reflect percent discounts?

Students will draw on their game experience to make swift, accurate conversions. By pairing playful challenges with practical applications, you ensure that percents feel like second nature to your learners.

Get a sample assignment to teach how to Use Rate Of 100 To Find Percent

Odyssey: Rex-Calibur

CCSS Standard: Division of Fractions | 6.NS.A.1

Odyssey: Rex-Calibur invites students on an epic quest where dividing fractions is key to forging runes and unlocking mythical powers. Instead of dreading fractional division, players embrace it as part of a legendary narrative. Through repeated practice in a story-driven setting, they internalize the logic of fraction division, understanding not just how to do it, but why it works.

Teachers can follow up by having students illustrate fraction division problems visually. They might represent fractional parts on a number line or in a diagram, recalling how they overcame challenges in the game.

By connecting these visual methods with the narrative experience, the concept of dividing fractions gains clarity, making it easier for students to transfer this skill into other mathematical contexts and advanced applications.

Get a free assignment including this game and standard

Learning Games: Play, Discover, Grow

These games aren’t just time-fillers or rewards; they’re educational catalysts designed to strengthen your instruction and enliven your classroom environment.

By encouraging students to explore new concepts in a safe, engaging, and playful manner, you lay the groundwork for deep understanding and long-term retention. Whether they’re saving planets, rescuing fish, forging legendary swords, or simply feeding a hungry pig, learners form memorable connections that standard lessons alone might not achieve.

As educators, you can take these game-based experiences and expand upon them, encouraging students to reflect, discuss, and connect their digital adventures to the real world. Ask them to write about what they learned, create projects that apply their new knowledge, or demonstrate their skills in small-group activities.

By weaving interactive games into a broader learning tapestry, you transform standards and objectives into stories of growth, curiosity, and discovery.

In short, these games help you turn the static pages of textbooks into living, breathing lessons—ensuring that students not only meet standards but soar beyond them

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Spooky Fun: New Math Games to Energize Your October

Hi Legendary Educators! We’re delighted to present our October collection of new math games. As usual, each addition has been thoughtfully developed to align with your curriculum goals and enhance student engagement.

Always combining rigorous academic content with immersive gameplay, these new games are powerful tools to transform your science instruction.

Ready to explore? Keep reading!

And If you missed last month’s new games, check out September’s update here.

New Math Games in October

Get ready to engage your students with exciting new adventures and hands-on learning experiences.

Grades 3-5

  • Ninja Kite: The Precise Porcupine: Jump, dodge, and run! Follow your ninja path while learning how to multiply and divide within 100! 
  • Aqua Multiply: Dive into an aquatic adventure and rescue all the fishes using your whole numbers multiplication skills. 

Updated Game of the Month

  • Roboshipping: Fit all the robots in their respective container using your knowledge of rectangular areas.

Ninja Kite: The Precise Porcupine — Elementary Math 

Ninja Kite: The Precise Porcupine — Elementary Math 

Game description

Race through an exciting 1000-meter course where multiplication powers every move!

Players join Kenzo, mastering math facts while collecting coins and unlocking special abilities.

Key Features

  • Progressive multiplication challenges every 200 meters
  • Special powers earned through correct answers
  • Engaging gameplay with educational feedback
  • A perfect blend of learning and adventure

Transform multiplication practice from a routine exercise into a thrilling challenge that students eagerly tackle again and again! Check Ninja Kite: The Precise Porcupine NOW!

Ninja Kite: The Precise Porcupine  Elementary Math GAME

Aqua Multiply – Elementary Math

Aqua Multiply – Elementary Math ed game

Game Description

Students embark on a thrilling adventure through diverse ecosystems, from the lush rainforests to the icy Arctic.

Along the journey, they’ll encounter a variety of endangered animals trapped in poachers’ nets. To rescue these creatures, players must solve challenging multiplication problems. Check Aqua Multiply out!

Key Features:

  • Engaging Gameplay: Immerse students in a captivating storyline and stunning visuals.
  • Adaptive Learning: Tailored challenges to suit individual learning paces and abilities.
  • Real-World Connection: Learn about endangered species and conservation efforts.

Transform math practice into an exciting adventure that sparks curiosity and fosters a love of learning.

Aqua Multiply Math Education Game

Roboshipping – Elementary Math

Roboshipping Elementary Math Education Game

Game Description:

Embark on a thrilling maritime adventure where every delivery is a puzzle!

As a cargo ship captain, you must efficiently load robot-filled containers. To succeed, players will need to master the art of calculating rectangular areas and optimizing space.

Key Features:

  • Engaging Gameplay: Immerse students in a real-world scenario with captivating visuals and sound effects.
  • Adaptive Learning: Tailored challenges to suit individual learning paces and abilities.
  • Real-World Connection: Learn about international trade, logistics, and cargo shipping.

Transform math practice into an exciting adventure that sparks curiosity and fosters a love of learning! Try Roboshipping now!

Roboshipping Elementary Math Game

Have you missed last month’s new games? Take a look at September’s update here! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for more exciting game updates coming your way soon.

Are you new to Legends of Learning and eager to try these games? Sign up now and embark on an educational adventure!

reward ux

Don’t miss out on the chance to earn reward points. Leave a teacher review! Your feedback helps other educators select the right games and ensures students have access to the best educational material.

Plus, your input guides us in creating more of the games you love. Start earning rewards today and make a difference in the learning journey!

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Summer-Ready Classroom: New Science Games in July 2024

Hi Legends! Welcome to another exciting update from our Learning Universe! This July, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the latest additions to our ever-expanding array of Science classroom games, designed to engage while enhancing your students’ test scores. If you missed last month’s new games you can take a look at June’s update here.

New Science Games in July 2024 🧪

Get ready to engage your students with exciting new adventures and hands-on learning experiences.

Games for Grades K-2

  • Light Labs: Help our little robot friend find hidden objects using your knowledge of light and its behavior in different materials. 
  • Day on the Farm: Join Charlie and learn how chemical reactions are involved in day-to-day tasks. 
  • Magic Map: Tiny will teach you how to use the maps to explore, find locations, and help your peers!

Grades 3-5

  • Fossil Finders: Collect fossils to reveal Earth’s ancient past!

Grades 6-8

  • Angry Birds: Kinetic Power: Join our Angry Birds friends and learn more about the relationship between mass, velocity, and kinetic energy.
  • ChemCraft Arranger: Balance the chemical reaction by rearranging its reactants and products!
  • Balance Keeper – Earth: Help Jenna to approve or deny action cards to bring balance to our planet!
  • Micro Adventure: Travel to the microscopic world and learn about cells and their organelles!
  • Camp Star: Play different mini-games and read interesting facts to mimic the movement of the stars and planets.
  • Animals in the Ecosystem: Play as an elephant, dolphin, and cheetah to learn and understand how individuals live in an ecosystem.
  • Sun School: Prepare your sunglasses! Because this game will illuminate the photosynthesis process!

Angry Birds: Kinetic Power — Middle Science 

Game description:
Play with Red and Angry Birds in this fun game and learn how they use Kinetic Energy knowledge to defeat the piggies!

Learn how energy moves among the different systems and how to exploit it.

Academically, students will learn concepts in Kinetic Energy with an Angry Birds gameplay experience they will love. 

Angry Birds Kinetic Power – Video Demo

ChemCraft Arranger — Middle Science

Game Description:

The game focuses on the fascinating concept of chemical reactions and the arrangement of atoms.

Students will intuitively balance chemical equations by adding and subtracting atoms, reinforcing their understanding of molecular structures.

ChemCraft Arranger makes learning about chemical reactions thrilling and accessible, turning complex science into an interactive adventure.

Balance Keeper – Earth — Middle Science

Game Description:

Step into the role of World Keeper in our captivating strategy game, where each decision shapes your planet’s destiny!

Balance population, science, economics, and resources through turns and dynamic cards. Navigate challenges, foresee consequences, and prevent any pillar from collapsing to ensure a prosperous reign.

Will you rise to greatness or succumb to fate? It’s time to rewrite history!

Have you missed last month’s new games? Take a look at May’s update here! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for more exciting game updates coming your way soon.

Are you new to Legends of Learning and eager to try these games? Sign up now and embark on an educational adventure!

reward ux

Don’t miss out on the chance to earn reward points. Leave a teacher review! Your feedback helps other educators select the right games and ensures students have access to the best educational material.

Plus, your input guides us in creating more of the games you love. Start earning rewards today and make a difference in the learning journey!

Have questions? Reach out to us at

Don’t miss out on our latest posts!

Summer-Ready Classroom: New Math Games in July 2024

Hi Legends! Welcome to another exciting update from our Learning Universe! This July, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the latest additions to our ever-expanding array of Math classroom games, designed to engage while enhancing your students’ test scores. If you missed last month’s new games you can take a look at June’s update here.

New Math Games in July 2024

Get ready to engage your students with exciting new adventures and hands-on learning experiences.

Games for Grades K-2

Grades 3-5

  • Angry Birds: Space Tactics: Join our Angry Birds friends and learn fundamental geometry concepts such as points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Grades 6-8

A Closer Look at Featured Games

Numera – Read and write numbers up to 1000  — Elementary Math 

numera math game

Game description:
“Numera” is a puzzle and adventure game focused on mathematical learning, specifically reading and writing numbers up to 1000. It is divided into three formats based on different gameplay modes. 

👉 Read and write numbers up to 1000 using expanded form, with a brick-breaking.

👉 Read and write numbers up to 1000 using number names, relating digits to the written number, and writing the number itself.

👉 Read and write numbers up to 1000 using base-ten numerals, They will have a 10×10 matrix and three different shapes for each grouping (H, T, O).

Numera math game review

Angry Birds: Space Tactics – Elementary Math

Game Description:

Join the Angry Birds on a space adventure! ‘Angry Birds: Space Tactics,’ makes learning geometry fun!

In this cosmic journey, players use strategic bird launches to defeat pigs while picking up basic geometric concepts like points, rays, lines, and angles.

Agrimath Crop Challenges – Middle Math

Game Description:

In Agrimath: Crop Challenges the player will farm for crops and by doing so will learn how to identify each axis (X and Y) and learn to recognize values within them.

When given tasks like watering, planting seeds, and harvesting, the player will have to pay attention to which position is the correct one to do such tasks within the axis.

Have you missed last month’s new games? Take a look at May’s update here! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for more exciting game updates coming your way soon.

Are you new to Legends of Learning and eager to try these games? Sign up now and embark on an educational adventure!

reward ux

Don’t miss out on the chance to earn reward points. Leave a teacher review! Your feedback helps other educators select the right games and ensures students have access to the best educational material.

Plus, your input guides us in creating more of the games you love. Start earning rewards today and make a difference in the learning journey!

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Math and Science Learning Made Easy with Angry Birds Games!

Last summer, we announced our exciting partnership with Rovio Entertainment to feature the beloved Angry Birds characters in our Learning Universe. This collaboration was facilitated by our licensing representative, Maximum Orbit.

Today we’re thrilled to introduce the second batch of games addressing three different topics:

  • Angry Birds: Kinetic Power for Grades 6-8 over Kinetic Energy  
  • Angry Birds: Space Tactics for Grades 3-5 over Linear Geometry
  • Angry Birds: Solar Smash! for Grades 3-5 over Earth and the Solar System
  • Angry Birds: Return Home for Grades 3-8 over Solar System and Gravitational Force  

Read more below for an overview of these games and the adventures your students will experience!

Joining Forces to Create Impactful Learning Experiences

Three new Angry Birds titles are here to fling students into amazing educational experiences!

The fun, physics-based gameplay, and unforgettable characters make learning about forces, gravity, and projectiles a breeze. Students might not even realize they’re absorbing knowledge while launching birds!

Remember our partnership with Rovio announced a year ago? Well, we’re clucking excitedly to unveil four more educational Angry Birds games, ready to supercharge your classroom! Dive in below to meet the feathered scholars!

Angry Birds: Kinetic Power

Angry Birds Kinetic Power

Game Description:

Play with our Angry Birds friend in this fun game and learn how they use Kinetic Energy knowledge to defeat the piggies!

Learn how energy moves among the different systems and how to exploit it.

Academically, students will learn concepts in Kinetic Energy with an Angry Birds gameplay experience which your students will love. 

Physics-Based Puzzles: In the classic Angry Birds style, Kinetic Power will help students understand the relationship between mass, velocity, and kinetic energy. The game helps illustrate how a bird’s speed and mass affect the amount of kinetic energy it has.

Practical Application: Players can see how kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy upon impact, such as when a bird collides with a structure and causes it to collapse. This visual representation helps solidify the concept of energy transfer.

Learning Through Play: Our mission. Kinetic Power is designed to be fun and engaging, with colorful graphics, humorous characters, and a variety of levels that keep players entertained.

With your students on our side, the Angry Birds crew will defeat the evil pigs. Plan, aim, and shoot the Angry Birds to trigger the fun in the classroom!


Angry Birds Kinetic Power – Video Demo

Angry Birds: Space Tactics

Angry Birds Space Tactics

Game description:

Join the Angry Birds on a space adventure! Angry Birds: Space Tactics, makes learning geometry fun!

In this cosmic journey, players use strategic bird launches to defeat pigs while picking up basic geometric concepts like points, rays, lines, and angles.

In the same way as before, students will learn concepts about Linear Geometry in a fun and engaging way with the Angry Birds crew!

Engaging Gameplay: The game introduces players to fundamental geometry concepts such as points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Problem Solving: Players are challenged to use their understanding of linear geometry to solve problems. They will need to calculate the correct angle of launch or the exact point of intersection to complete a level.

Students will find a lot of humor and relatability in Space Tactics, making the learning process extra enjoyable.

Get ready to travel across the universe and dive into the world of Linear Geometry with the Angry Birds crew! 


Angry Birds: Space Tactics – Video Demo

Angry Birds: Solar Smash!

Game Description:

Help the Angry Birds rid their planetarium of the Pigs by fixing models of the Earth, Moon, and night sky.

Along the way, learn about how the movements of the Sun, Moon, and Earth work to create complex patterns that we experience every day!

Solar Smash brings to the table a full hands-on experience for our students:

Planetary Features: Players discover various features of the Earth, stars, and moon such as rotation angles, rotation time, constellations, and more! This knowledge is integrated into gameplay, as players must navigate these features to complete levels.

Engaging Gameplay: Students will interact with space environments, launching birds to complete missions that involve defeating the piggies and saving the day.

Each level in Solar Smash presents unique challenges that require players to think critically and use their knowledge of Earth and the Solar System to succeed. This keeps the game interesting and intellectually stimulating.


Angry Birds Solar Smash! – Video Demo

Angry Birds Return Home

Game Description:

Help Ice Bird on his mission to return to his home planet Pluto. To accomplish that, defeat the space pigs belonging to other planets.

Join Red on this awesome trip and help your students learn about the solar system and the concept of gravity.

Return Home brings fun to our elementary and middle schoolers in a way you’ll only find in Legends of Learning!

Understanding Gravity: The game introduces the concept of gravity, explaining it as the force that attracts objects towards one another, particularly towards the center of the Earth or other celestial bodies.

Creative Challenges: Levels include creative puzzles that require players to use their understanding of gravitational force and the unique Angry Birds’ skills.

Return Home illustrates how Gravitational Force varies for different planets and celestial bodies, helping players understand its concept through their challenging and engaging levels.


Angry-birds return home Reviews
Angry Birds Return Home for Grades 6 to 8 – Video Demo

Other titles from the Rovio & Legends of Learning Collection

Angry Birds Eggstraction

In this Angry Birds adventure, players delve into the world of forces and collisions. They’ll strategically guide Red the Bird using the Sproing-O-Matic, a device that controls his launch angle, direction, and force.

Analyzing each level is crucial as players aim to reclaim stolen eggs from the villainous pigs. By carefully adjusting these elements, players must ensure Red avoids obstacles and reaches his target without getting stuck or falling.

This physics-based gameplay serves as a fun and engaging way to learn key scientific concepts.

Angry Birds Eggstraction – Video Demo

Angry Birds and the Multiplication Portal

In this game, a new twist is thrown into the classic battle between birds and pigs. This time, the pigs have constructed barriers to protect their ill-gotten gains: the birds’ eggs!

Players strategize by launching the birds through special “multiplication portals” that alter their properties. Solving multiplication problems becomes the key to taking down the pigs’ defenses and reclaiming the eggs.

This innovative approach transforms multiplication practice into an engaging and rewarding adventure.

Angry Birds and the Multiplication Portal – Video Demo

Stay tuned for more Angry Birds games coming to Legends of Learning in topics such as Gravitational Force, the Coordinate Plane, Arithmetic with Decimals, and more! We’ll see you soon in the Learning Universe with Kinetic Power, Space Tactics, and Solar Smash in your queue! 

Are you new to Legends of Learning and want to try out these games? Sign Up Now!

Teacher Reviews: Don’t forget that you earn Rewards Points for every game review you write! So be sure to leave your feedback. By doing so, you are helping other teachers pick the right games and students get the best content available. Talk about saving the day!

Teach Super

We live in a society that idolizes super heroes. Everyone wants to be super, and teachers are no different: They can teach super. An elementary school teacher’s impact on a child surpasses almost anyone else in their life, other than parents and close relatives.

Do you know how important you are to your students?

By sparking curiosity and interest in a subject like science, you can build the foundation for a future career and lifelong passion. But it takes more than just an attentive teacher; it requires making STEM fun and playful.

Just last December, Getting Smart magazine noted how important it is to make science a fun activity. “Implementing a STEM curriculum during the early elementary grades which combines play with direct instruction can lead to long-term interest in these subjects,” writes Tracy Derrell. Maintaining interest from elementary and through middle school requires engagement.

That’s where teaching super comes into play.

The Need for Super Teachers

Teachers can be super by engaging students in science lessons.

The need for super teachers is real. Only 34% of 4th grade students achieved a score of “At or Above Proficient” on the science portion of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

The United States needs its youth to take on STEM careers. The country is currently reliant on foreign workers to fulfill its STEM workforce.

So how does an educator make science fun and playful?

For starters, you can make a game of it. That goes well beyond Legends of Learning’s elementary suite of games. There are many ways to make content accessible to students.

For example, consider these eight fun resources we found to help teachers preparing science students for tests. Or find a different way to make science more interesting and applicable to students’ real lives. There are hundreds of such activities across the Internet.

When You Teach Super

Two Legendary science teachers at FETC in Florida.

Experienced teachers know success often bubbles up as singular breakthrough events that occur during the long march of a school year. Teaching can become a slog, particularly in the winter months when the days are short and the work is long.

But then there’s that student who suddenly comes alive. Or that class that really gets into a lesson. Maybe a former student comes back to visit or reaches out and thanks you for providing that spark.

Consider how these two students fell in love with science as a result of witnessing the total solar eclipse last summer. The experience infused them with a new excitement for science.

So, Legend, every day is a great day to teach super.

Let us know how we can support you.

Call for Elementary School Ambassadors

Legends of Learning is looking for elementary school ambassadors. Grades 3-5 teachers who are willing to review our science for Life, Earth and Space, and Physical sciences. Ambassadors who sign up by February 12 will get early access to games.

This is your opportunity to shape the Legends of Learning platform and games from the ground floor. When you sign up for our community, let your voice be heard and make a difference not only in your classroom, but for educators across America!

Impact how kids learn through games and join forces with like-minded heroes to review and strengthen the Legends of Learning platform and the individual games. Your input helps improve our collective offering.

Earn Rewards

We reward teachers who are active in our network. Participation in our community garners you access to challenges where you can earn more credits to continue playing. You can also earn some crazy rewards, too. Not that a hero needs more motivation, but those whose exploits are truly legendary will receive t-shirts, Pez heads, or other Legends of Learning swag.

So what are you waiting for, Legend? Sign up today, and help make game based learning even better in our community today!

P.S. Interested teachers who are looking for a little lighter interaction with Legendary peers can join our private Facebook group, The Hall of Legends.

Top 10 Most Popular Science Topics

Check out the top 10 most popular science topics on the Legends of Learning site:

1. Effects of Temperature and Pressure on State

An ice skating rink shows the effects of temperature and pressure on state, freezing water into ice.


Summary of concepts covered (8 games): A substance’s state of matter is an extrinsic property, meaning it can be changed by its environment. Physical conditions like temperature and pressure affect state of matter. Both temperature and pressure can be measured, and state changes can be observed.

2. Atoms and Elements

The periodic table holds all of the atoms and elements.


Summary of concepts covered (10 games + 1 PhET simulation): Everything in the universe is made up of atoms. Atoms are the smallest units of matter, and the different types of atoms make up different elements. They can exist on their own, or bonded together in molecules.

3. Parts of the Cell

Learn about cell structure with parts of the cell science games.


Summary of concepts covered (9 games): Cells contain specialized structures, called organelles, that perform specific functions. Prokaryotic cells, like bacteria, do not have many organelles, while eukaryotic cells have defined organelles. All cells have a semi-permeable cell membrane that lets them absorb nutrients and get rid of waste. Nuclei, mitochondria, ribosomes, rough and smooth ER, the Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes are all covered!

4. The Sun, Moon, and Stars: Patterns of Apparent Motion

Due to Earth's rotation, the sun, moon, and stars appear in different places in the sky each day. Here, the apparent motion of the stars results in a unique glow across the night sky.


Summary of concepts covered (8 games): From day to day, the sun and stars will not appear in the exact same part of the sky due to the Earth’s revolution around the sun. These patterns of apparent motion allow us to predict where the Sun, Moon, and stars are at any given time, using drawings, 3D models, and computer models.

5. Role of Sunlight and Gravity in the Water Cycle

Waterfalls and the role of sunlight and gravity in the water cycle.


Summary of concepts covered (8 games): On Earth, water can exist as a liquid, a solid (ice), or a gas (water vapor). It changes between these states of matter when it gains or loses energy. In the water cycle, this energy comes from sunlight. While sunlight is the energy source, the greatest force propelling the water cycle is gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects, and Earth’s gravity pulls matter downward, toward its center. It pulls precipitation down from clouds and pulls water downhill.

6. Conservation of Matter in Chemical Reactions

In chemical reactions, there is a conservation of matter.


Summary of concepts covered (10 games): During a chemical reaction, atoms are rearranged, but they are not created or destroyed. The substances entering the reaction are called reactants, and the resulting substances, with new chemical formulas, are called products.

7. Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Particle Motion

Water particle motion changes from liquid to gas as a result of changing thermal energy.


Summary of concepts covered (9 games): Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. Thermal energy measures the total kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. The greater the motion of particles, the higher a substance’s temperature and thermal energy.

8. Weathering and Erosion

a large nature landscape showing weathering an erosion


Summary of concepts covered (9 games): Aside from plate tectonics, moving water (including ice) causes the most significant change to the earth’s surface. Weathering (including physical and chemical) is the process of breaking down rock that is not moving. Erosion is when water actually transports rock and sediment from one place to another.

9. Sound Waves

Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases.


Summary of concepts covered (10 games): Waves are disturbances that transfer energy from one place to another. Sound waves are a type of mechanical, longitudinal wave. Longitudinal waves cause matter to contract and expand, known as compression and rarefaction. Matter vibrates as sound passes through it.

10. Gene Mutations

Albino snakes have gene mutations in its DNA.
Explore Learning Universe

Summary of concepts covered (10 games): DNA contains the genetic blueprint of all living things. It comes in double helix-shaped strands, which look like twisted ladders.

The ladders’ rungs are made up of two kinds of nucleotide pairs: adenine and thymine, and cytosine and guanine. During cell division, DNA replicates itself, but it sometimes makes errors.

Most of these errors are fixed during the process, but the ones that aren’t may become gene mutations.

What will be the top 10 in February? Sign in and play to have your say!

Have questions? Reach out to us at

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8 Content Review Tips and Resource Articles

Are you looking for content review tips? As the world of standardized testing increases its focus on math and science (hello ACTs), teachers invest more class time on test preparation. Review can be one of the most mundane tasks your class engages in, boring both your students and you, the educator.

That’s why many teachers are looking for content review tips that make test prep fun and meaningful. In fact, many teachers use Legends of Learning’s thousands of games and assessment items for test prep. However, students often need more than one tool to help them lock in and review content day after day.

To help you in your efforts, check out these seven articles filled with tips and tools to strengthen your test prep/content review. Links are in the headlines:

1) Reviving Reviews: Refreshing Ideas Students Can’t Resist – Education World

Looking to end indifference this article asks? Then build a game for your classroom, which of course makes this article our favorite! Education World then links to five resources for teachers to download and use for in class content review.

2) Build Confidence – Edutopia

Did you know that teachers spend as much as 20-50 percent of their class time on test preparation? This article focuses on how to mix up your content review to make that time more useful. Our favorite tip is the last one: Using test preparation to build student confidence.

3) Spaced Learning – Harvard Magazine

You know it’s serious when Harvard is touting a technique. This article details how repeating content over an extended period of time significantly improves learning over the traditional “cram and test” model. Studies show an increase in knowledge by up to 50 percent, and strengthen retention for up to two years. It does take planning your test prep over a period of months instead of a week, but you would improve students’ subject mastery.

4) Turn Review into Play – Edutopia

Legends of Learning games in class.
Games can make test prep more enjoyable. Improve your classroom with game-based learning and other content review tips.

Want to stop boring the snot out of kids with your test prep? Make it fun and turn exercises into play. We might have a few games for that (Sorry, we couldn’t resist).

5) Five Ways to Make Test Prep Meaningful and Fun – Kathleen Kryza

Don’t miss this article. Besides the usual fun exercises, Kathleen has one very unique tip: Examine your own feelings about the test. If you’re not thrilled about the exam or your class’s potential performance, then you are probably broadcasting negative vibes.

6) Fun In-Class Activities – Apperson

This edtech vendor blog has some great ideas to get students interacting in class during content review. From Jeopardy to a friendly game of Jenga, find fun ways to switch up your test prep.

7) Top 12 Ways to Rev Up Classroom Review Strategies – TeachHub

This is another list article filled with fun ways to mix up content review in class. What caught our eye was letting students serve as teachers and graders. How about a little role reversal to get students engaged?

8) Make Test Prep Meaningful! – Corkboard

This blog post has a singular focus: Have students create their own quizzes. This student-centered activity helps kids master their content while engaging in an authentic, meaningful exercise that has real purpose.

Do you have additional content review tips you would suggest? If so, please add them in the comments section.

The Sun, Moon, and Stars Lesson Plan

One of our most popular learning objectives on the Legends platform is The Sun, Moon, and Stars: Patterns of Apparent Motion. Keep reading to find the Sun, Moon, and Stars lesson plan, and download it for free!

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The Sun, Moon, and Stars Lesson Plan

Learning Objective:​ The Sun, Moon & Stars – Patterns Of Apparent Motion

NGSS Standard

MS-ESS1.A-1 ​ Patterns of the apparent motion of the sun, the moon, and stars in the sky can be observed, described, predicted, and explained with models.


Students will be able to:

  1. Explain the locations of the Earth, moon and sun and describe their relationship
  2. Explain the movements of the Earth, moon and sun by developing models
  3. Explain the different phases of the moon by manipulating models

Time Required

90 minutes

Lesson Getting Ready

Materials Needed:

  • Teacher computer with internet access and projector
  • Student computers/laptops/tablets with internet access (preferably one per student but at least enough for small groups of 3 -4 students)
  • Plastic spoons
  • Oreo cookies (or a similar substitute)
  • Black Sharpie pens and colored magic markers
  • Construction paper
  • Paper towels

Teacher Preparation

  • Create a 10-minute assignment on Legends of Learning with the games found in The Sun, Moon and Stars: patterns of Apparent Motion. Example Apparent Motion: Orbital Command
  • Create a 20-minute assignment on Legends of Learning with items found in “The Sun, Moon, and Stars: patterns of Apparent Motion”. Example: Sun Shooter
  • Separate Oreo cookies, Sharpies, and plates for each group (at least 8 cookies per group)

Introduce Topic

Engage: 10 min

  1. The teacher will play the video “5F Sun, Earth Moon The Science Video”

  1. As students watch the video, they will write 3 or more new facts that they learned about the earth, moon, and sun in their science journal
  2. The teacher then leads a discussion about the video and the relationship between the sun, moon and Earth
  3. The teacher will instruct students to answer 3 questions from the video.
    • How many days does it take for the moon to orbit Earth? (28 days​)
    • How many days does it take Earth to orbit the sun? (365 ¼ days​)
    • How many hours does it take for Earth to complete one rotation on its axis? (24 hours​)

Explore: 10 min

  1. Students have to sign in to Legends of Learning and enter their teacher code.
  2. The teacher will send their students ther selected assignment.
  3. Students will complete Apparent Motion: Orbital Command as the teacher assists students as needed. Stopping gameplay to address the questions asked in the game may be needed.

Expand On The Lesson

Explain: 10 min

  1. The teacher will demonstrate the orbital and rotational relationship of the Earth, moon, and sun by having students in groups of three demonstrate this concept using their bodies to represent each celestial body. If there is limited room in the classroom, the teacher can simply demonstrate this with one group of three students by moving desks enough to clear a space large enough for the demonstration. Optimally, the teacher will be able to use hallway space so several groups can demonstrate this concept. Each group will get a sheet with the following diagram, which demonstrates the direction of rotation. (see Appendix A in the lesson plan)
  2. As students demonstrate the rotational movements, the teacher assists students as needed as well as pausing the activity to ask questions to assess knowledge.
    • a. In which direction does the Earth rotate on its axis? Does the Earth rotate in the same direction as the Moon? or the Sun? i. The Earth rotates counter-clockwise on its axis. Yes, yes.
    • b. Does the moon orbit around the Sun or the Earth? Why does the moon orbit where it does? i. The Moon orbits around the Earth. This is because of its proximity to the Earth. Although the Sun has a greater gravitational effect due to its size, the moon is close enough to the Earth so that it is caught in its gravitational pull.
    • c. What is a solar eclipse and how does one form? i. A solar eclipse is when the sun is blocked, either partially or fully, by the moon. This occurs when the Moon’s orbit causes it to pass between the Earth and the Sun.

Elaborate & Evaluate

Apparent motion of the sun, moon, and stars.

Elaborate: 40 min

  1. Students will separate into small groups (three or four)
  2. The teacher hands each group a zip-lock bag with at least 8 Oreo cookies and plastic spoon, a blank piece of construction paper, and markers.
  3. The teacher then hands each group a sheet with the following diagrams: (see Appendix B in the lesson plan)
  4. Using the information on these sheets, students will construct a moon phase chart on the construction paper using the Oreos with various amounts of icing scraped off to represent the various lunar phases. The cookies are then arranged in a linear fashion on the construction paper to mimic the eight phases of the moon. The markers will be used to draw representations of the sun, Earth, directional arrows, and titles of each lunar phase. A student example is provided below.
sun, moon and stars lesson plan

Evaluate: 20 min

    1. Launch Assignment 2 for students
    2. Students will play the game of their choice and be assessed on their ability to answer the questions provided in the game correctly.
    3. The teacher will analyze student results to determine what concepts need to be a focus for reteaching.
Explore Learning Universe

Possible Extension Activity

Have students participate in the World MOON Project, a globally collaborative project that allows students all over the world to observe and report on lunar phases.

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