It’s been a busy month at Legends of Learning and we have new features to share with you all!
Multi-Standard Assignments
Premium users can now combine multiple standards in an assignment. This feature is perfect for end of year tests or beginning of the school year review sessions. Switch between Math/Science and Elementary/Middle School content from directly within the playlist builder.
If you have a free account and would like to have access to this feature, please email us at and we can provide more information on our licenses.
New Assignment Live View
We redesigned our live view. Teachers can now easily track student progress, edit the assignment information, view data, and share to Google Classroom all from one place!
Report Questions
Students can now report wrong questions. Our questions are written and verified by teachers across the country. But sometimes an incorrect question or wrong image slips through and we’d like your help in finding them! Students can click the icon in the top right corner and the question will be reported and fixed immediately by our content team.

Small Updates
As always, this update includes other small bug fixes and improvements.
And we have more coming soon! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback at