Children Learn Best Through Play

It is proven that children learn best through play. This is why Legends of Learning created Awakening. Awakening is hands-down the most fun your child will have learning math and science. In fact, most of the time kids are having so much fun they even "forget" they are learning!
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Awakening is not only the most fun educational experience on the planet, the games within are proven to work. Studies by WestEd and Vanderbilt University show that students playing Awakening games at least twice a week have significantly higher achievement than their peers who do not play Awakening.

Awakening has been awarded the 2023 Parent Teacher Choice Award from

DID YOU KNOW: In a study by WestEd it was determined that fifth- and eighth-grade students with higher levels of usage of the Legends of Learning had, on average, higher achievement than their peers with low or no usage of the program in a large school district in the southeastern United States.

Click here to check out the study!

What Kids Are Saying

“This app is super fun, and you can learn at the same time! If you don’t like learning but you love your phone, this game is literally for you.“

“Try out Legends of Learning. It’s an RPG game, and you have to learn your math in order to play....“

“This so good, I can’t stop playing, and it makes me smarter in science.“

“...honestly almost perfect. With the multi-platforms, battles, shopping, it ties in just the right amount of learning but still fun.“

Just want your child to start playing?
Show them these QR codes and they are on their way!

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