CODiE 2022 Best Educational Game: Legends of Learning

Awards and Competitions - News

Legends of Learning has earned the Best Educational Game CODiE award from SIIA for 2022. We are truly honored and proud to receive this recognition as we’re constantly striving to create a platform that’s beneficial to students’ education and is helpful for teachers.

CODiE judges evaluated Best Educational Game Nominees based on the following criteria:

  • Accessibility / inclusivity – Does the solution accommodate students with diverse learning needs?
  • Assessment – To what extent are the assessment tools useful and functional for the user? Do the assessments complement the game-based environment to maximize interactivity within the assessment content itself?
  • Customization – How well does the solution adapt difficulty or content to individual learner performance?
  • Feature set – How well does the feature set incorporated within the solution appropriately meet the needs of the teacher, the student, administrators, and parents?
  • Feedback -How well is feedback to the learner based on individual learner performance, with learner-appropriate, informative, actionable, encouraging and well-timed messages?
  • Focus / balance – How well does the game balance the design requirements of the game with the learning task performance and feedback?
  • Game design – How well do the learner tasks in the game accurately incorporate the cognitive processes implicit in the defined learning outcomes?
  • Innovation – Does the system incorporate recent research on learning, innovative approaches to learning, or access to new tools with high student interest?
  • Platform flexibility – Is the solution optimized to be used on various platforms (e.g. desktop, tablet, mobile, broadcast) and deliver various types of content (text, images, audio, video)?
  • Reports – How well do system reports provide actionable information to the student, the teacher, administrators, and parents? Are these reports customizable?
  • User experience – How well do the elements of game play create a compelling experience that is easy to use? Does the game offer a variety of experiences to maximize student replay ability?
  • User experience (instructor) – how easily can the teacher integrate the game into the flow of the classroom and curriculum, without formal training?

In evaluating the platform, some of the judges’ feedback about Legends of Learning included:

Games can be differentiated, language can be changed to Spanish, and text-to-speech is provided, as well. Mini-lessons allow the student to feel accomplished and not falling behind classmates as they are challenging and provide small victories along the way. The assessments can be customizable and can be added to with personal questions, a well.


Legends of Learning is very engaging. It was intuitive in design and allowed teachers to gather data to improve student understanding.
Thank you for allowing the teacher the “student view” option. So many times the teacher and student dashboards are very different. Valuable time is wasted trying to solve technical issues that arise from not knowing the student view. Data and the ability to differentiate within the program to meet student needs is a definite strength. Good job!

Our goal has always been to provide a game-based learning platform that best aides teachers while engaging students. It may all start with fun and engaging, standards-aligned games–the ability to provide individualized instruction through student groups and reporting enhances the experience and benefit further.

Backed by research and compatible across many browsers and devices, we strive to provide an equitable learning tool that any student can enjoy and learn from.

Learn more about our games and hear from other teachers about why they love Legends of Learning, too.

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