Math Games for Summer Fun! — June 2022


School may be out for the summer, but learning is still in! Play these math games to stay sharp while on break!

(Reminder: all games are introduced first. Scroll below to see images and more in-depth information about them!)

New in Grades 3-5

  • Help the mathematical denizens of the galaxy apprehend the Scion, a greedy robot who refuses to learn multiplication, in Multiplication Mastermind! Use your newly found multiplication knowledge to help aliens, capture the Scion, and teach him how to multiply! Find Multiplication Mastermind featured further on in this post. 

Updates to Existing Games in Grades 3-5

  • The Numberlings – Multiplying Mayhem  has been updated to include checkpoint saving for students who need to resume their session at a later time. Help the numberlings use multiplication to fend off the alien spaceships of the Disorderly Empire. Find the Numberlings – Multiplying Mayhem featured later in this post.
  • Bean Tarts  has received various user interface, vocabulary, and math best practices fixes to be more similar to how students learn advanced addition and subtraction in the classroom. Use additions and subtractions to defend from your opponents in bakery disputes and restore world peace. 
  • The Carpet Merchant has been updated to allow students to review a tutorial before answering advanced questions. There are also minor bug fixes and improvements. Help the carpet merchant cut, stitch, and sell various fractional carpet amounts to customers!

Recommendation for Grade 6-8

  • Collect data on asteroids of different sizes to create a boxplot in Galaxy Collector. In this space adventure, the player will learn about the max, min, and medians of data sets they collect.  Find Galaxy Collector feature further on in this post.

A Closer Look at Featured Games

Multiplication Mastermind – Elementary Math (Basic Multiplication)

Game screenshots and description:

You have just finished training to be a Multiplication mastermind. A greedy robot pillaged your home planet and several surrounding planets. The robot refuses to learn multiplication. Chase it down and teach it this amazing skill!

Galaxy Collector  – Middle Math (Understanding Boxplots)

Game screenshots and description:

Control your spaceship and collect asteroids smaller than your ship, while avoiding bigger ones. Upgrade your spaceship so you can collect all kinds of asteroids!


The Numberlings – Multiplying Mayhem – Elementary Math (Basic Multiplication)

Game screenshots and description:

It’s an alien invasion! Use multiplication to help the Numberlings organize and defend their great city of Mathematopolis from the Disorderling empire.


We’ll see you soon in the Learning Metaverse with these new math games in your queue! 

Stay tuned for more new game updates and if you have any questions please email


*Teacher Reviews: don’t forget that you earn Rewards Points for every review you write! So be sure to leave your feedback: you help other teachers pick the right games, you help students to get the best material available, you help us to learn which games we should make more of and you’ll help yourself to some well-deserved rewards! Talk about saving the day!

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