Search to Your Heart’s Content

New Features

You’ve probably already experienced the awesome new search experience on Legends of Learning. In fact, we feel like it has improved at least 3x from what it was last year! Picking up from some things learned over the past couple of years during these crazy Covid times, let’s have some fun reflecting on what we’ve learned in life to to the search function:


Being right isn’t always the best thing. Doing things one way makes you inflexible.

Searches previously needed to be exact. Any slight variation (even a space at the end of a search phrase) would throw the whole system off.

The search algorithm has been now loosened up to return more games! You should find games returned that match to similar phrases or contextually within the game.












We’re human, we make mistakes and we’re always learning.

Typos were probably the bane of your existence before, but we get that they happen. Don’t worry: we’ve helped the system to understand what your intended, correct search term is. So, hopefully you’re staring to see games come through for when you didn’t follow the “i before the e” rule.

Nervous that we’ve opened the system up too much? With search results have broadened, will you be wondering why the system offered up the games it did? Don’t worry: game results will now have an info icon highlighting words that matched the search.






We know this feels contradictory to everything we’ve said prior in this post but when it comes to the right game to choose for your class, we’re sure you’re of the same mindset of: quality over quantity any day.

Search results now have a better way to refine results to your specific needs!

Whether by grade, game type, Lexile reading level or other game features like Spanish translation, everything you need is at your fingertips now!




In keeping to theme, let’s just say that we like reassurance that things are on the up and up.

With the Hero Sweepstakes being such a huge hit, we’ve updated tracking for your points. This means you can now see a clearer record for how you’re earning and using points, as well as filter your view to look for a specific aspect of your points.


Hopefully you’re finding all of this to be an even better Legends experience. We’d love to hear you thoughts, be sure to write us a line with what’s working and what’s not to:


PS: you can still enter the sweeps through February 11th at Noon, ET!

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