The Latest Teacher Features! June 2021

New Features

Summer is here! And it’s getting hot at Legends of Learning HQ (not to mention the local cicadas are out in force)!

We know your classes may be ending until the fall but we have some summer fun in the sun to show our appreciation for our Legendary Teachers.

And that is why we are bringing you…


Legendary Rewards!


We appreciate all the things you do for your students (and for us)! That’s why we want to reward you for:

  • Writing Reviews
    • When you write game reviews, it not only helps other teachers find the right games for their lessons, but it helps our game developers understand how to improve their games to be more fun, and better at helping your students master topics. So for every game you review, we award 500 points!
  • Referring Colleagues
    • When you believe in our product, referrals are vital to help grow our user base so we can continue making and improving more and more games, aligned with more and more standards. We know it’s not the first thing you are always thinking of as you are using our product, so we want to show our thanks for every invite you provide. When you invite someone and they create an assignment, joined by 3 students or more, you and the person you refer both get 10,000 reward points!
    • Also, any teachers who have already referred someone, who has created an assignment, will retroactively be awarded 10,000 points!
  • Creating Assignments Played by Your Students
    • We know you put in a lot of effort finding the right set of games and the perfect set of assessment questions to engage your classes. We want to show our appreciation for the effort you put into using our platform because we know it isn’t always easy. It takes time to try out each game and make sure it’s the right fit. So for every student who joins an assignment, we award 10 points!

And not only are we giving reward points for each of these actions, but we also award status points!


Redeeming Points

To start, you can redeem your reward points for coins and gems that you can gift to students in your class (or to yourself). Coins and Gems can be used to get Avatar clothing items and dance moves in our Awakening game! You can also redeem points to get a Legends of Learning cape for yourself, a colleague, or a student!  And keep checking back because we will be adding more redeemable rewards in the future!

Try out Legendary Rewards Points and let us know what you think!


And as always, thank you for taking the time to check out the latest Teacher Features for Legends of Learning. If you want to check any of these features out, you can sign in here.

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to email!

For Teachers
For Schools
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