Climate Change: Making it Personal Games
1 gameIn this series of games, your students will learn how voluntary actions at the individual and household level can significantly contribute to overall U.S. emissions reductions—even in the absence of policy changes. The games were built in partnership with, an international non-profit focused on inspiring change around sustainability so people and nature can thrive.
These games are part of the Legends of Learning Career and Technical Education suite, which will be expanding over the next several months.
Scroll down for a preview of this learning objective’s games and concepts.
Concepts Covered recently conducted research to identify the individual behaviors individuals can adopt with the greatest potential for climate impact. It turns out, there are 7 impactful behaviors that many Americans might find surprisingly within reach. If each of these changes was adopted by even 10% of Americans, it would reduce the gap to America’s emissions targets by over 75%.
One of the biggest things you can do is determine whether your diet is “higher-impact” or “lower-impact” relative to greenhouse gas emissions. Then, commit to small changes you can make in what you eat that will make a difference in the size of your carbon footprint. Learn how to determine what kind of diet you have and how to change!
While we still need larger changes from corporations and governments, it’s empowering to know we do not have to wait. We can each find at least one way to start making positive changes now. When it comes to our environment, we are all in this together.
Are you ready to make a difference in combating climate change? What behavior changes will you commit to?
A preview of each game found in the learning objective is found below.
You can access all of the games on Legends of Learning for free, forever, with a teacher account. A free teacher account also allows you to create playlists of games and assignments for students and track class progress. Sign up for free today!