The Latest Teacher Features!
February 2021

New Features

Happy New Year Legends!


We just wanted to pop off a quick note to show you the latest work we have done on our platform. We strive to constantly improve, with the goal of solving real Teacher problems, so you can effortlessly delight your students!


But let’s be real. We couldn’t do it without you. We love nothing more than turning your feedback into usable features! So keep the feedback coming!


And with that, here is the latest:


New and improved Reports for Teachers.

  • Reporting by Standard
    • Shows student performance across all standards and topics in which they have answered a question or played a game (as opposed to showing performance by assignment only).


  • Reporting on Students’ Awakening Progression
    • Using the “Student Driven Tab” on the Standards Performance Report, you can now see your students performance on questions within topics they encountered while playing the Legends of Learning: Awakening game on their own.


Teacher Avatars and Try Assignment!

  • Did you know that after you create an assignment, you can now experience it like a student? And as a bonus, you can create your own Teacher Avatar at the same time! We are excited for this feature and have a lot more plans for the teacher avatar! So stay tuned for more Teacher Feature Product updates in the future to learn more!



Full Redesign of Our Site (w/ Many Usability Improvements)

  • We now have a consistent look and feel across the site and we think it’s a big improvement!
  • Playlist Library and Assigned Playlists have been merged into a single Assignment section. We think this lessens confusion for users!
  • Instead of having a “Playlist Library” you can now create “Draft” assignments.


Deleted Students Recovery

  • You can now recover students you accidentally deleted (without contacting support).

Bulk Assignment Delete


Lesson Plans

  • We have a large assortment of Lesson Plans in Math and Science, to give you activity ideas, along with ways to incorporate our games. This is available as a premium feature.


Awakening Assignments

  • We have made assignments even more fun by incorporating them into our Awakening game.
  • Students can create an avatar.
  • Students access and progress through activities via a game map. This allows students to track their progress through an assignment.
  • Assessments are now in a fun “battle” format!
  • Students can check their answers vs correct answers at the end of each assessment battle.


Improved Teacher Code Functionality

  • Students only have to enter a teacher code the first time they log in (if you are using teacher code method for student access). Once they enter it the first time, it is saved and students never have to enter it again!


Improved Question Quality

  • We have done a lot of work to improve our question quality and layout as they appear in assessments.


New and Improved Reports for Administrators

  • First of all, the admin reports are much faster!
  • Administrators can see a descriptive heat map showing performance on questions within standards and topics by district, school, and class!


Better Text to Speech

  • We have improved our text to speech voices so they are a little less robotic.

Improved Assignment Instructions.

  • We know your students access Legends of Learning in many different ways: From Google Classroom, to teacher code, direct assignment link, Clever, Canvas, etc. So now we provide instructions for all of these access methods when an assignment is created!


Improved Games

  • All new games that are coming onto the platform (including all new K-2 games) save student progress, so there is no need to restart the game if the student needs to stop and start for any reason!
  • We have also spent, and will continue to spend, considerable time fixing and improving load times for all games. We sincerely hope you are starting to see a difference!


Thank you for taking the time to check out the latest Teacher Features for Legends of Learning. If you want to check any these features out, you can sign in here.

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to email!

For Teachers
For Schools
For Districts