What Is Remote Learning?

Remote Learning

Administrators and teachers want to provide students with an opportunity to stay engaged with their schoolwork while working outside the school building. That is what remote learning can deliver. Also called distance education, remote learning occurs when educators and students are not physically present in a traditional classroom environment. Instead, coursework is relayed via technological means, such as live video conferencing, online educational games, email messages, discussion boards and virtual assessments.

How Does Remote Learning Work?

Remote learning is commonly used when scheduling conflicts, disasters or illnesses prevent learning from occurring in a traditional classroom. The teacher will establish a virtual connection with students through a learning management system (LMS), such as Google Classroom. Students are responsible for signing in daily and completing assignments and reading information posted by the teacher.

While the online class program acts as a ‘home base’ for students and educators, teachers may also leverage other online resources to create a more comprehensive and engaging curriculum. Video conferencing platforms like Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts allow teachers to connect live with students, while online educational gaming sites like Legends of Learning enable students to learn in a fun and interactive way.

Benefits Of Remote Learning

The quality of remote learning has improved considerably in recent years as both educators and students have become more comfortable using technology for learning purposes. Some of the top benefits of remote learning include the following:


Little girl raising her hand during a remote learning classTechnology makes it easy for educators to structure their virtual classrooms in a similar way that they would structure their traditional ones. This flexibility enables educators to take attendance, hand out assignments, conduct lectures and set scheduled class times to help replicate the traditional classroom experience that most students have become accustomed to up until that point.

Remote learning also provides flexibility in other ways. Both educators and students can eliminate the commute to school, which saves time and money. Teachers have access to a wealth of online educational resources that can be leveraged to help students learn at their speed, making remote learning more customizable than traditional classroom learning.

Personalized Learning

Not every student learns at the same pace. In some cases, a student may fall behind in a traditional classroom when they cannot absorb the material fast enough. Remote learning helps to minimize this problem by allowing students to work at their own pace in the comfort of their own home.

Technology has made it possible to gain access to class materials at any time of the day and work through the materials at a comfortable pace for the student. This helps each student get on an even playing field and learn more effectively. Teachers can also reach students one-to-one via video conference software to help them along.

Helping Visual Learners

Children learn in different ways. While some students perform better when they hear information delivered in an audible form, others are more visual learners. Remote learning caters to visual learners as they can see the course materials in front of them and look at the materials repeatedly to form a better understanding of the information.

The use of visual assignments, online games and other coursework can enrich a student’s learning experience. Remote learning is also flexible enough to be adapted by students who learn in other ways, such as face-to-face teaching by educators through live video calls.

Engagement Through Online Educational Games

Boy playing an online educational game during remote learningOnline educational games encourage students to become active participants in the learning experience. Many children enjoy playing games outside of the classroom and are delighted to have the opportunity to play games as part of their daily coursework.

Today, online educational games are readily available and cover an extensive range of subject matters. Many games are directly aligned to the standards that must be covered by the teacher. These games are also available for students of all ages and provide a fun challenge and motivation to “win.” Educators that incorporate online educational games into the virtual classroom often find that students are more excited about learning.

How To Implement Online Educational Games Into Your School’s Curriculum

There are many different ways that educators can implement online educational games in their classroom curriculum. Many educators find success by including game time as a designated activity within lesson plans. Others use games to draw student attention to a particular lesson topic. Online educational games can also be used at the end of a lesson to reinforce the information that was learned.

Speak To The Professional Online Educational Game Company

Are you interested in incorporating online educational games into the school curriculum? Legends of Learning offers more than 2,000 curriculum-aligned science and math online educational games for teachers and students, that can assist teachers in distance learning, blended learning or hybrid learning models. Create a free account or contact Legends of Learning to learn more.

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